Download the latest version of Wakuoo from our website:

Install and run Wakuoo. When you first enter Wakuoo, you are introduced to this Welcome page:

To know more about the features of Wakuoo, check this post that introduces the Wakuoo Interface.
Know more about Wakuoo-OnMic
Know more about Wakuoo-Mirror
Look for a game in the search bar. Wakuoo will show both PC and Android game results for you. Click enter and then you see the result list, click Install to install your preferred game.

All Android game sources come from Google Play Store. To install an Andriod game, you'll be asked to log in to your Google Account. Wakuoo will launch the Android drive for you automatically to run mobile games. For PC games, all you need to do is simply install the game, and then you'll get to run the game directly from its game intro page or the ME dashboard.

All your games (no matter if they're Android or PC) can be launched under the ME tab.

If you are running Android games on Wakuoo: you can go back to the home screen of Wakuoo (Android drive), and then you can see the installed apps. On the lower right corner, you could also access our FAQ page. You could also find games from Play Store.

On Wakuoo, enjoy the excitement of games better!